evidently, bald old white men prevail.
I'm surprised their weight wasn't mentioned as well. It's almost the year 2020 and white men are the last cross section of society left, who some of us feel free make uncomplimentary insinuations about. Especially so if they're old and overweight.
Perhaps the comment was meant to be complimentary, but typically:
Bald = Physically Flawed, not pretty to look at and therefore incapable.
Old = Irrelevant and no longer of value. They couldn't possible have anything to offer.
White= Suspect...all of em'...entitled, privileged....not to be trusted.
Men = Automatically evil...the cause of most of the worlds problems.
neat blue dog: That's because it's an American religion. Only 2 out of 8 grew up elsewhere.
blondie: So there are no bald old white men in non-American religions.
^ ^ Calling attention other peoples assumptions.